
Love Addict Workshop Photos!!!

Whew! I just finished an amazing workshop given by the fabulous Kelly Moore Clark and boy am I tired! I had a great time learning some shooting and lighting tips from Kelly and hanging out with other photographers from all over. Coming home every night Laura (who had to work so couldn't come) grilled me on everything that we talked about at the workshop and I just got really excited thinking about how to incorporate it all into our work. Laura and I can't wait to put everything I've learned to good use so stay tuned for some (hopefully!!!) great new stuff from us.

Here are some photos that I took during the workshop. First up are Tameka & Steven at this great location called The Apartment. This place is ultra modern and very hip and Tameka & Steven were fun to work with. Next is Tess & Jason, who just got married so congratulations you guys! We shot them at Tillman's Roadhouse in Dallas which was very special for them because they actually got engaged there. Thanks so much for modeling for us, I hope you like the pics!
- Raelyn


Helmutwalker Photography said...

I love love love these photos! I'm so happy Raelyn was able to do this workshop and I can't wait to learn everything!!! It's always important that we're continually learning more about our art, and this seems like a really exciting step for us. Wish I could have been there! - Laura

Cristina said...

I wish I could have been there too! These are awesome and Kelly Moore is such a great photographer & person, who better to learn from? :)