
Introducing Helmutwalker Pet Photography!

That's right! We love photographing our own pets (Pinot and Nibbler who you might have noticed photos of on our blog and website before :) ) so we thought we would share the love with you. We're offering our own special style of pet photography, candid photos that really capture the individual spirit of your pets. And to make it even more special, we'll be donating 20% of your pet session fee to the SPCA. In fact, while we're building up our portfolio we're offering to photograph your special little friends for free with a donation of $25 for the SPCA (or more if you're feeling generous). So please contact us if you're interested in getting some wonderful photos of and with your pets!

To get started on our portfolio of fuzzy creatures, we thought about who we know that has pets. The first person I thought of is our friend from high school, Sarah, who lives out in the boonies and has lots of animals. So I went for a visit and had a great time with all of the animals including Max and Sophie the puppies, Q the macaw bird, Sissy the white bird, Lexus the little parrot, a small herd of donkeys, and a stuffed lion! (There's also some photos of Nibbler the cat, just cause he's so cute.) I had a blast with all the animals, especially the donkeys who were incredibly sweet. So thanks for letting us photograph your animals Sarah, and I hope everyone enjoys our pet photography! - Raelyn

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